Discover the 4 secrets to highly effective nonprofit boards of directors

Engaging Volunteers, Energizing Vision, Inspiring Action

What You’ll Learn

Canadian nonprofit landscape is one of the largest and most vibrant sectors in the world.     Canadian boards of directors have oversight of more than $70 billion dollars. Your organization makes a significant difference in people’s lives and contributes to the Canadian economy. Yet being on a board can be challenging.

Download this E-book to learn the critical factors in a well-functioning and highly effective nonprofit board of directors.

In this free e-book, you will learn how: 

  • to identify the symptoms of Board ineffectiveness and dysfunction; 
  • to know if your board is effective and delivering on its mission;  
  • to identify and tap into the passion of your volunteers
  • the four foundations increase board member engagement and inspire action.

Christina Becker, Vice President Becker Associates,
and Founder of the Canadian Nonprofit Academy

In nearly 40 years’ of experience in nonprofit consulting and management, Christina Becker, MBA, has held many roles in and around the board room table including; Executive Director, staff, government officer, consultant, business owner, staff, board member and most recently, volunteer president of the Ontario Society of Registered Psychotherapists.

She has worked with many different kinds of organizations helping them reorganize, become more effective and move forward in this strategic vision.  She possesses solid business acumen focused on outcomes and measurable results, emotional intelligence, and deep listening skills that build consensus in teams.

Take the 5-minute Free Nonprofit Board Assessment